Press Releases

Global Cell Therapy Processing Market to Reach $5.0 Billion By 2022

April 04, 2018

WELLESLEY, Mass., April 04, 2018–Exciting research and development efforts are showing that cell therapies can be used to treat cerebral disorders, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. In addition, they can treat metabolic disorders, such as diabetes mellitus type 1. These advancements are helping to boost the global market for cell therapy processing, according to a report by BCC Research.

The cell therapy processing market is expected to see a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 30.9% through 2022, when the sector could be worth $5 billion, according to the report Cell Therapy Processing: Global Markets and Technologies.

Cell therapy is the transplantation of human cells to replace or repair damaged tissue or cells. With new technologies and innovative products, many different types of cells can be used as part of a therapy or a treatment for a variety of diseases and conditions.

The major companies that have filed patents related to cell therapy include Anthrogenesis Corp., BioNTech, Cell Ideas, Epic Sciences, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, FuGENE, IBC Pharmaceuticals Inc., Bluebird Bio Inc., Immodulon-Therapeutics, Immunomedics Inc., Juno Therapeutics Inc., Medlmmune Inc., NeoStem Oncology, Neurotech USA, Novartis, Persimmune Inc., Pluristem Therapeutics, BioMed Valley Discoveries Inc., Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. and UCL Business PLC.

Research Highlights

  • The product sector of the market is anticipating a CAGR of 30.5% through 2022, when it will be valued at $4.01 billion. These products include enzymes, sera, matrices for cell attachment, cytokines and media components, culture vessels, tubing sets, bags and other disposables.
  • The service sector of the market is anticipating a CAGR of 32.5% through 2022, when it will be worth $649 million. Services include analytical, media, allogeneic and autologous development.
  • The software sector of the market is expecting a CAGR of 33.3% through 2022, when it will be valued at $257 million. Software makes the workflow of cell therapy processing easier and more efficient.

“The factors that drive the growth of the cell therapy processing market include success of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for treatment of a variety of blood cancers and hematologic conditions, rise in the demand for chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy, and an increase in the development of stem cell therapy applications and approaches,” said Robert G. Hunter, BCC Research senior editor, healthcare. “Additionally, the rise in the development of allogeneic cell therapy offer better opportunities for profitability supports market growth.” 

Market Development Depends, in Part, on Government Legislation

The regulation of stem cells is complex around the world, with issues differing according to the source of the tissue, manipulation of the cells in-vitro, intended use and the combination with other materials or health technologies, the report adds. The complexity and diversity of stem cells products and treatments presents complex regulatory challenges, the report notes. Moreover, regulation has been contentious in many jurisdictions. Unclear regulatory requirements may present barriers to research, and the enforcement of existing regulations has proven to be challenging in many areas of the world.

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Cell Therapy Processing: Global Markets and Technologies( BIO160A )
Publish Date: Mar 2018    

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