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5 Reports in Startup

Beginners Guide to Disruption: Aligning Inventions with Markets

Published - Jan 2020 | Publisher - BCC Publishing| Code - STP002A

This report provides an overview of disruptive inventions, explains what qualifies as a disruptive invention, and describes a few technologies that might disrupt certain fields going forward.. The report also looks at some great disruptive inventions over the years and the factors that have worked to propel them forward.

Minimum Patent Protection Requirements and How to Best Protect Yo...

Published - Jan 2020 | Publisher - BCC Publishing| Code - STP001A

This report seeks to provide an answer to the question of what minimum intellectual protection are needed. This report will focus primarily on invention patents and looks at the patent holding across key areas. 

Fashion Tech Startups

Published - Dec 2019 | Publisher - BCC Publishing| Code - STP003A

This report presents the most innovative fashion tech startup companies in the world, how these startups are disrupting traditional markets and outlines how innovations can be aligned with growth and markets. Special emphasis is put on startups that intend to transform the fashion industry. These unconventional fashion tech startups work towards bringing a circular economy in the fashion industry.

Emerging Jobs in Life Sciences and What You Should Be Training fo...

Published - Mar 2019 | Publisher - BCC Publishing| Code - BIO186A

To develop and more importantly to improve current technologies, the market needs a pipeline of talent: well-educated and skilled scientists. Today, a new graduate or scientist with an immunology background will have a strong advantage in the market.The market for NGS applications reached $2.7 billion in 2016 and is expected to expand to $10.5 billion by 2022.The expanding biotech market offers a variety of careers. In some cases, we need to be creative and see behind the obvious scientific path.


Published - Mar 2019 | Publisher - BCC Publishing| Code - HLC229A

Biohacking, simply put, is do-it-yourself (DIY) biology; it gives everyone — individuals, communities, small group organizations, not just research institutions — the ability to deconstruct and reconstruct biology using simple kits or supplements for the purpose of not only achieving their immediate outcomes, but also contributing to solving larger issues. As an emerging industry and social movement, biohacking represents a new frontier in the development of drugs and therapeutics, and consequently, is a market expected to see exceptionally high growth over the next five years. This BCC Research special report offers an overview of biohacking, and how this growing industry can spur the interest of prospective investors, large corporations and everyday hackers who could be inspired uncover the next big medical breakthrough.

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