The Survey of Library Cafes & Food Service, 2014 Edition

Feb 2014| PRG031A| Primary Research Group

Report Highlights

The study presents data from a survey of public and academic library cafes and other food service operations. The report includes valuable and unique data on best-selling products, revenues and sources of revenues, expansion plans, catering revenues, salary costs, seating and decor and other facets of library cafe and food service operation. Data is broken out for academic and public libraries and also for library size defined by annual library budget and annual number of visitors to the library. The study helps planners answer questions such as: what are personnel costs for the typical cafe? How much revenue is accounted for by lunch traffic? Do cafes cater outside events and if so, how much do they earn? 

Primary Research Group publishes research reports, surveys, and benchmarking studies for businesses, colleges, libraries, law firms, hospitals, museums, and other institutions. Based on substantial primary and secondary research, our benchmarking studies allow institutions to compare their budgets, managerial decisions, technology purchases, and strategic visions to those of their peers.

Primary Research Group
Price: $2500

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