The Survey of Law Firm Website Management Practices

Mar 2014| PRG034A| Primary Research Group

Report Highlights

The 88-page study looks closely at how law firms manage their websites focusing on issues and problems such as search engine optimization policies, size of web staff and control of content entry, relation to social media and branding, spending on freelancers and web design consultants, easing access for mobile devices, use of website navigability studies and much more. The report helps its readers to answer questions such as: how often do law firms revise their websites? How much do they spend on revisions? What features of their sites are they most satisfied with? How many enable video downloads from their website? How many have additional or related sites on social media and which social media?

Data is broken out by size of law firm, size of website staff and country or origin of the law firm, with the sample composed largely of American but also UK and Canadian law firms.

Primary Research Group publishes research reports, surveys, and benchmarking studies for businesses, colleges, libraries, law firms, hospitals, museums, and other institutions. Based on substantial primary and secondary research, our benchmarking studies allow institutions to compare their budgets, managerial decisions, technology purchases, and strategic visions to those of their peers.

Primary Research Group
Price: $2500

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