Recycled Plastics in Construction Market

Target Date - August 2024| Publisher - BCC Publishing| Code - PLS125A

Recycled Plastics in Construction Market

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Report Includes
  • An overview of the current and future global markets for recycled plastics in construction market
  • Analyses of global market trends, with market revenue data (sales figures) for 2023, estimates for 2024, forecasts for 2028, and projected CAGRs through 2029
  • Estimates of the market size and revenue forecasts for the global recycled plastics in construction market, with market share analysis based on the type, application, and region
  • Coverage of types of recycled plastics used in construction, their advantages and concerns regarding their usage
  • Discussions of the market dynamics, opportunities and challenges, as well as emerging technologies
  • Overview of the sustainability trends and ESG developments in the industry, with emphasis on the ESG practices followed by leading companies, their ESG rankings, and consumer attitudes
  • Competitive intelligence, including companies’ market shares, recent M&A activity and venture funding
  • Profiles of the leading companies
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