
Welcome to the You Should Know This Podcast! Join us as we talk to visionaries, entrepreneurs and industry leaders who are shaping, disrupting and revolutionizing not only their own industries, but also the way we'll live and work in the future. Each week we look at a different global industry, provide market analysis from BCC and talk to the companies and individuals whose work you should definitely know about.

Meet Your Host

Clara Mouawad

Clara is the Content Specialist at BCC Research, where she nerds out on the how new technologies are being integrated in different markets and industries through her work in writing, graphic design, and—naturally—the podcast.

When away from her desk, you can find Clara on the monkey bars as she preps for an OCR race, exploring a new hiking trail, or creating a new recipe in the kitchen. Always thirsty for knowledge, Clara finds innovators in a variety of fields and loves to ask the questions that our listeners want to know: How will this industry, technology, or company shape how we live and work in the future?

Listen to our episodes below and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts to get a new episode every week.

Jan 2022| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 45: The Future of Sustainable Innovation with Ecovyst

How does one develop innovative products that meet customers’ needs while also having a positive impact on the environment? And how can businesses blend those two ideals into a financially beneficial outcome for everyone involved?

Today we’re continuing conversation...

Jan 2022| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 44: The Future of Clean Fuel with Ecovyst

When it comes to clean energy, what role do zeolites play? How will they impact the future of sustainability? And how many people are aware of this innovative solution?   

According to one of our partners, Verified Market Research, the global zeolites market is set to...

Sep 2021| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 43: The Future of our Education Landscape with Megan Sweets

It’s no secret that the pandemic has had a major impact on our education system. But the truth of the matter is that there are underlying problems in the system. According to research done by today’s guest Dr. Megan Sweets:

50% of teachers will leave the profession...

Sep 2021| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 42: The Future of Chronic Disease Management with xbird

Why is chronic illness management lagging in innovation? How can doctors and patients be better equipped and more empowered to manage their health issues? And how has Covid impacted this market?

Chronic illness, especially Type 2 diabetes, is more complex than acute injuries...

Aug 2021| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 41: The Future of AI with Stradigi

What is artificial intelligence capable of? What can it do, and what can’t it do? And maybe more importantly, how can companies leverage it to help drive their business into the future?

The week we dive into the practical applications that AI provides with today’s...

Aug 2021| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 40: The Future of Autonomous Fleet Management with Ridecell

When it comes to fleet management, how can companies not just diagnose problems with individual vehicles within their fleets but solve them without the inevitable lag pile-up issues that come with it?  How can they do this while managing a large fleet? The answer: fully automating...

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Mar 2021| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 24: The Future of Synthetic Biology with Twist Bioscience

With the introduction of big data, machine learning and AI, it's easy to get excited about what technology is allowing us to create. But what gets overlooked is the sheer amount of data that will be created in the process. And while data storage may not sound like a sexy topic, it's...

Feb 2021| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 23: The Future of Digitization with Avery Dennison

What do you think of when you hear the word sustainability? Does the term 'digitization' come to mind? While entirely separate entities, the impact that the digital revolution is having on the supply chain front has a direct impact on the ability companies have to truly become...

Feb 2021| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 22: The Future of Nutrition with Dr. Michael Klaper

What role does nutrition play when it comes to the future of healthcare? Currently, nutrition has a small place in general healthcare practice. But that's about to change. This week, we sat down with Dr. Michael Klaper to explore this topic in-depth. Bringing with him his experience in...

Feb 2021| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 21: The Future of Car Safety with ATI

Ready for driverless cars? Whether that sparks excitement or apprehension, the question isn't if it'll come to be, but when. In order for autonomous cars to become a widespread reality, major questions need to be answered about safety. How do you guarantee the safety of the passengers...

Feb 2021| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 20: The Future of Plant-Based Cheese with SriMu

What does it take to shape the future of an industry? How do you leverage difficult turns in life to produce a timeless product? And how in the world can plant-based cheese compete with the real thing? These two seemingly unconnected questions merge into this week's episode of You...

Jan 2021| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 19: The Future of Cultured Meat with Aleph Farms

Have you ever imagined that the meat you put on your dinner plate-real meat-could come from a lab? Before you dismiss the idea as crazy, I'm here to tell you that not only is it possible; it's the future. Cultured meat can produce the same tasty steak you know and love, all while...

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Dec 2020| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 15: Highlight Reel-The Best of 2020

From fashion to concrete, security to agtech-and everything in between, we've covered a lot of industries in Season 1. Talking to fantastic guests who are at the forefront of innovation in their market, we've looked at how present-day issues are impacting their market and what the future holds...

Dec 2020| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 14: The Future of IoT with Wiliot

Internet of Things (IOT) technology is common in business and industry settings, and it's about to change our daily lives forever. This week on You Should Know This, I sit down with Steve Statler, SVP of Marketing at Wiliot to discuss Wiliot's mission of helping businesses adopt circular..

Dec 2020| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 13: The Future of TTO Collaboration with Cat Donaldson

Ideas and information are worth their weight in gold, especially in the tech transfer world. However, Covid-19 has forced a fundamental shift, requiring open collaboration as the world overnight united to help combat this global crisis. This week on You Should Know This, I sit down with Cat..

Dec 2020| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 12: The Future of Security with LARES

Most of us are familiar with the intricate game of attack and defense in the security world based on what we've seen in movies. Reality, however, is much more nuanced, messy and exciting than the big screens have led us to believe. This week on You Should Know This, I sit down with Chris..

Nov 2020| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 11: The Future of Technology Transfer with Saara Inkinen

Tech transfer is a world where flexibility and pivoting through change is paramount. This has become extremely evident given the current pandemic. But what key shifts have occurred within the market throughout the past year? This week on You Should Know This, I sit down with Saara Inkinen,..

Nov 2020| by Clara Mouawad| Play Episode

Episode 10: The Future of Remote Work with Tulsa Remote

No question about it, remote work is on the rise. Accelerated by Covid-19, but having grown in relevance pre-pandemic, there is one city that's capitalizing on this shift to not only create more diversity within its city, but also provide remote workers with a community they would otherwise not..

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